Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Separating the Entertainment Center Facts and History from Fiction

There is ample information and misinformation circulating about Irving’s Entertainment Center, including a great amount of historical revisionism. As the proposed venue faces a make-it-or-break-it point, we want to take this opportunity to back up to 2006 when the concept was first introduced.

The following is an effort to present the facts through primarily City of Irving City Council records and work session discussions. We cite the resolutions, ordinances, the election outcome, legal action and milestones along the way.

Before we begin, quick status update:
·         In a November 2007, election, Irving voters overwhelming authorized the city to construct and finance “…the Convention Center and Entertainment Venue Project,… described in summary form as a convention center and a related multi-functional theater, performance hall, music hall, and community and entertainment venue…” The proposition passed 2-1, 66 percent to 34 percent.

·         The Mayor and Council have all expressed conceptual support for the project and recognize the need to support the convention center, future convention center hotel and entertainment for our corporate community and city’s financial wellbeing.

·         Project financing
o   City staff continues to work with the City’s financial advisor, First Southwest Company, and co-underwriters Estrada Hinojosa & Company and J.P. Morgan Securities, Inc.,  to determine its current financial capabilities and at what level the City can fund the public share of the project.
o   The City updated its feasibility assessment and public revenue estimate based on conservative assumptions provided by PKF Consulting, economists specializing in hotel occupancy revenue projections, and by Innovation Group, a consulting company that provides revenue projections for the hospitality industry.
o   The City Council voted on December 8 to notify Las Colinas Group that it would like to contribute $170 million to the project.
o   The council will decide exactly how much to finance after the city meets with the bond rating agencies. That estimate and vote are expected to occur next month.

·         All legal challenges to the project have concluded.   

·         Las Colinas Group has until February 6, 2012 to secure a letter of credit securing their $80 million contribution.  


December 14, 2006,
Irving City Council agreed to Resolution 12-14-06-477 to enter into a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with Texas Spirit! LLC
                City contribution:   $60 million taxable revenue bond sale funded by rebate of fees from      operator
                Developer contribution:  $60 million private equity plus not less than $175 million debt    financing
Council vote: not available

August 2, 2007
Resolution  8-2-07-316 (the “Resolution”), designating and, subject to approval at an election, authorizing the Convention Center and Entertainment Venue Project (the “Project”) as a community venue project  described in summary form as follows:
A convention center project described and authorized in section 334.001(4)(B), Local Government Code, or under other law pursuant to the authority of Section 334.003, Local Government Code, and a related multi-functional theater, performance hall, music hall, and community and entertainment project. For the purpose of this resolution, this venue project is known as the “Convention Center and Entertainment Venue Project”
Council vote: Ayes: Mayor Herbert A. Gears, Beth Van Duyne, Lewis Patrick, Rick Stopfer, Sam Smith, Joe Philipp, Rose Cannaday, Thomas D. Spink,  Allan E. Meagher. Nays: None.

September 5, 2007
Ordinance 8849 calling election for voter approval of Entertainment Center venue.
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday, Meagher. Nays: Van Duyne, Spink.

Resolution 9-5-07-330 to terminate MOU with Texas Spirit! LLC
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Spink, Meagher, Patrick, Cannaday, Stopfer, Smith, Van Duyne, Philipp. Nays: None.

Nov 6, 2007
Election Day
Authorizing the City of Irving to provide for the planning, acquisition, establishment, development, construction and financing of the Convention Center and Entertainment Venue Project, a community venue project within the Las Colinas Urban Center of the City of the type described and defined in Section 334.001(4)(B), Local Government Code, as amended (the “Act”), or under other law as authorized by Section 334.003 of the Act, described in summary form as a convention center and a related multi-functional theater, performance hall, music hall, and community and entertainment venue, and related infrastructure as defined in the Act, and (i) to impose a tax, not to exceed three dollars ($3.00) on each parked motor vehicle parking in a parking facility of the Convention Center and Entertainment Venue Project, as and to the extent authorized by Subchapter G of the Act, (ii) to impose a tax on each ticket sold as admission to an event held at the Convention Center and Entertainment Venue Project, at a rate not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the price of the ticket sold as admission, as and to the extent authorized by Subchapter F of the Act; and (iii) to impose a tax on the occupancy of a room in a hotel located within the City, at a rate not to exceed two percent (2%) of the price paid for such room, as and to the extent authorized by Subchapter H of the Act.”
November 15, 2007
Ordinance 8889 canvassing returns. Proposition passes.
For                         4,322    66%
Against                 2,215    34%

March 13, 2008
Special Tax Ordinance 8930 levied the two percent hotel occupancy tax (the “Venue Hotel Tax”), pursuant to Chapter 334, often called Brimer Tax or Brimer HOT.
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday, Spink. Nays: Van Duyne.

April 1, 2008                 
Venue Hotel Tax collection begins

July 24, 2008
Resolution 2008-291 approved non-binding letter of intent with Las Colinas Group, LP to develop Entertainment Center.
Total estimated project cost of $200,000,000: City contribution of up to $120,000,000 bonds payable by the Brimer HOT; developer contribution of $80,000,000
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Van Duyne, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday, Spink. Nays: None. Absent: Meagher

August 7, 2008
Resolution 2008-309 to engage Vinson & Elkins as bond counsel to prepare for sale of Convention Center and Entertainment Venue Project bonds.
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Van Duyne, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Cannaday, Spink. Nays: None. Absent: Meagher, Philipp.

Resolution 2008-310 to engage First Southwest Company as financial advisor on Convention Center and Entertainment Venue Project bonds.
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Van Duyne, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Cannaday, Spink. Nays: None. Absent: Meagher, Philipp.

September 4, 2008   
Resolution 2008-387 approved contract with Beck Group to serve as Owner’s Representative in an amount of $1,562,550
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Meagher, Van Duyne, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday, Spink. Nays: None.

October 2, 2008
Resolution 2008-468 engage Estrada Hinojosa & Company to provide Co-Senior Managing Underwriter Services related to Convention Center and Entertainment Venue Project bonds. 
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday, Spink. Absent: Van Duyne. Nays: None.

Resolution 2008-469 engage J.P. Morgan Securities, Inc. to provide Co-Senior Managing Underwriter Services related to Convention Center and Entertainment Venue Project bonds. 
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday, Spink. Nays: None. Absent: Van Duyne.

November 20, 2008  
Resolution 2008-555 approved letter of clarification to non-binding letter of intent
Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Clarification of a Nonbinding Letter of Intent between Las Colinas Group, LP, and the City of Irving for the Development, Lease, and Operation of an Entertainment Venue on the City of Irving Convention Center Site
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp. Nays: Van Duyne, Spink. Absent: Cannaday.

December 11, 2008
Resolution 2008-581 approved the Entertainment Venue Development Agreement
Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Entertainment Center Development Agreement with Las Colinas Group, LLC for the Design, Construction, and Operation of an Entertainment Venue in the Convention Center Complex
Total estimated project cost of $200,000,000:
City Construction contribution:  up to $120,000,000 bonds payable from the Brimer HOT; funding capacity to be determined by June 1, 2009
Partnership  contribution:  $40 million private equity; provide Loan Commitment by 12/31/09  and funding by 3/31/10
Incremental Funding:  up to $40,000,000 non-recourse special revenue bonds backed by the Brimer parking and admission taxes revenue. LCG/City determine amount by 6/1/09
Pre-Development cost: Authorized $5,992,226 reimbursement for LCG, for design sufficient to obtain GMP pricing
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday, Spink, Meagher. Nays:  Van Duyne.

January 8, 2009
Ordinance 2009-9035
Issued $130,000,000 combination Tax and Hotel Occupancy Tax revenue certificates of obligation to construct the convention center.  Pledge 7% HOT and tax pledge.  Note: Brimer two percent now cannot be used at convention center with C.O.  tax pledge
Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of City of Irving, Texas Combination Tax and Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2009, in Accordance with Specified Parameters; Levying a Tax in Payment Thereof; Prescribing the Form of Said Certificates; Approving an Official Statement; Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Purchase Contract Relating to Said Certificates and Enacting Other Provisions Relating Thereto
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday, Spink. Nays: Van Duyne.

January 8, 2009
Resolution 2009-15 approves LCG’s selection of design team of HKS, Hardy McCullah/MLM Architects and Plan B
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday, Spink. Nays: Van Duyne.

February 5, 2009
Resolution 65, Approved Entertainment Venue Lease
Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Entertainment Center Lease Agreement with Las Colinas Group, LP
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday, Spink. Nays: Van Duyne. Absent: Meagher.

February 19, 2009
Ordinance 2009-9049  issued $8 million Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2009 (the “Series 2009 Bonds”). Pledge Brimer HOT two percent and City HOT seven percent
Providing for the Issuance and Sale of City of Irving, Texas, Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2009 (Entertainment Center Project), in the Approximate Aggregate Principal Amount of $8,000,000; Approving and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Bond Installment Purchase Agreement and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement; and Prescribing Other Matters with Respect Thereto
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday, Spink. Nays: Van Duyne.

March 25, 2009
Intellectual Property license agreement received

June 11, 2009
Resolution 245, Amended and Restated Development Agreement  
Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Amended and Restated Entertainment Center Development Agreement with Las Colinas Group, LP
Total estimated project cost of $235,000,000
City Construction Contribution:  up to $120,000,000 [less amount already issued] bonds payable from Brimer HOT, funding capacity to be determined by 12/1/09
Partnership Contribution: $50 million; provide Loan Commitment by 9/30/10 and funding by 12/31/10
Incremental Funding:  non-recourse special revenue bonds backed by the Brimer parking and admission taxes. LCG/City determine amount by 12/1/09
Pre-development costs: Authorize $8 million; new total $13,992,225, for construction drawings by Dec 2009
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday, Spink. Nays:  Van Duyne. Absent: Meagher.

Resolution 245, Amended and Restated Entertainment Center Lease Agreement 
Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Amended and Restated Entertainment Center Lease Agreement with Las Colinas Group, LP
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday, Spink. Nays:  Van Duyne. Absent: Meagher.

August 6, 2009
Ordinance 2009-9106 issued $8 million Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2009A (the “Series 2009A Bonds”), Pledge Brimer HOT two percent and City HOT seven percent
Providing for the Issuance and Sale of City of Irving, Texas, Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2009A, in the Aggregate Principal Amount of $8,000,000; Approving and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Bond Installment Agreement and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement; and Prescribing Other Matters with Respect Thereto
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday, Spink. Nays: Van Duyne.

December 3, 2009
Resolution 2009-533, First Amendment to Amended and Restated Development Agreement. 
Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Amendments to Amended and Restated Entertainment Center Lease and Development Agreement with Las Colinas Group, LP
Total estimated project cost of $255,000,000
City to identify funding capacity by 5/31/10
Partnership Contribution:  not changed:  $50 million; provide Loan Commitment by 9/30/10 and funding by 12/31/10
Incremental Funding:  LCG/City determine amount by 5/31/10.
Pre-development costs: Authorize $7,343,911; new total is $20,490,622, for final construction drawings
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday. Nays:  Van Duyne. Meagher, Spink.

February 4, 2010
Ordinance 2010-9160; issued $9 million Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2010 (the “Series 2010 Bonds”), Pledge Brimer HOT two percent and City HOT seven percent
Providing for the Issuance and Sale of City of Irving, Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2010, in the Approximate Aggregate Principal Amount of $9,000,000; Approving and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Bond Purchase Agreement, and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement; and Prescribing Other Matters with Respect Thereto
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday,. Nays: Van Duyne, Spink.

June 24, 2010
Resolution 2010-144 Enlarge Vinson & Elkins engagement to include preparation of validation suit
Providing for the Issuance and Sale of City of Irving, Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2010, in the Approximate Aggregate Principal Amount of $9,000,000; Approving and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Bond Purchase Agreement, and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement; and Prescribing Other Matters with Respect Thereto
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, Smith, Philipp, Cannaday. Nays: Van Duyne, Spink.

July 8, 2010
Resolution 2010-160 Second Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Agreement.
Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Second Amendment to Amended and Restated Entertainment Center Development Agreement with Las Colinas Group, LP
Pre-development costs: Authorize $1,603,525; new total $22,094,147 pre-development budget
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Patrick, Stopfer, [newly elected Councilman Gerald] Farris, Philipp, Cannaday, [newly elected Councilman Mike] Gallaway. Absent:  Meagher, [newly elected Councilman Roy] Santoscoy.

August 5, 2010
Resolution 2010-160 Second Amended and Restated Dev Agreement.
Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Second Amendment to Amended and Restated Entertainment Center Development Agreement with Las Colinas Group, LP
Total estimated project cost of $250,000,000
City Construction Contribution: up to $200,000,000 [less $25 million already issued] bonds payable from Brimer HOT and various other tax revenues, funding capacity to be determined by 9/30/10
Partnership Contribution: not changed: $50 million, provide Loan Commitment by 9/30/10 and funding by 12/31/10 
Incremental Funding deleted. 
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Patrick, Stopfer, Farris, Philipp, Cannaday, Gallaway. Nays: None. Absent: Meagher, Santoscoy.

August 25, 2010
Resolution  2010-235 authorized filing validation suit; approved form of proposed bond ordinance.  Resolution 2010-236 approved Concessionaire non-disturbance agreements [4].  Ordinance 2010-9202 imposed 10 percent admission tax. 
Authorizing the Filing of an Expedited Declaratory Judgment Petition Regarding the Issuance of Public Securities to Finance the Planning, Design, and Construction of the Entertainment Center and Hotel Project
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, Philipp, Cannaday, Santoscoy. Nays: Farris, Gallaway.

Ordinance 2010-9203 imposed $3 parking tax
Amending the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving, Texas, by Adding Chapter 16H, "Irving Entertainment Center Parking Tax"; Providing Definitions; Providing for the Levy, Imposition, and Use of a Tax Equal to $3.00 Per Motor Vehicle on Each Motor Vehicle Parked in a Parking Facility for Irving Entertainment Center; Providing Collection, Reporting, Payment, and Recordkeeping Requirements and Procedures; Providing for Interest and Civil Penalties; and Providing for a Fine of Up to $500 for Each Offense in Violation of the Ordinance
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, Farris, Philipp, Cannaday, Santoscoy. Nays: Gallaway.

September 23, 2010
Resolution 2010-277 approve Balfour/Azteca as general contractor of IEC
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, Farris, Philipp, Cannaday, Santoscoy, Gallaway. Nays: None.  

December 9, 2010
Resolution 2010-368 authorize engagement of Smith, Jackson, Boyer & Bovard PLLC to conduct review of LCG expenditures
Approving a Fee Agreement with Smith, Jackson, Boyer & Bovard P.L.L.C. to Conduct a Review of the Entertainment Center’s Expenditures
Council vote: Ayes: Gears, Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, Farris, Philipp, Cannaday, Santoscoy, Gallaway. Nays: None.  

February 3, 2011
Resolution 2011-34 First Amendment to Second Amended and Restated Development Agreement; actions keyed to obtaining non-appealable final judgment in validation suit. Either party may terminate if a non-appealable judgment is not secured by 12/31/11.
Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a First Amendment to the Second Amended and Restated Entertainment Center Development Agreement with Las Colinas Group, LP
Council vote: Ayes: Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, Farris, Philipp, Cannaday, Santoscoy, Gallaway. Nays: None. Absent:  Gears.

March 24, 2011
Resolution 2011-73 retain Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher for legal services, to retain Michael Raiff, lead litigation attorney
Approving an Engagement Letter with Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP for Legal Services Related to the Entertainment Center Expedited Declaratory Judgment Litigation
Council vote [unanimous]: Ayes: Gears, Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, , Cannaday, Santoscoy, Gallaway. Nays: Farris, Philipp.

April 7, 2011
Ordinance 2011-9248 issuance of HOT Revenue Refunding bonds, Taxable Series 2011 in aggregate principal amount of $22,880,000, Pledge Brimer HOT two percent and City HOT seven percent 
As direction to City Staff, but not as a covenant to the Bank or bondholders hereunder or subject in any manner to Article XII hereof, and notwithstanding Section 16-27 of the Irving City Code, to the extent Venue Hotel Tax revenues are released by the Trustee to the City for authorized purposes under the Act pursuant to Sections 8.4(e) and 8.10(d) hereof, the City Council hereby directs that any such revenues shall not be paid to any vendor not currently under contract with the City and not in any greater overall amount than the limits, if any, under current contracts with vendors, unless and until the City Council shall give specific approval for any new vendor, new contracts or increased payments under current contracts.
Council vote: Ayes: Meagher, Patrick, Stopfer, Cannaday, Santoscoy. Nays: Farris, Philipp, Gallaway. Absent: Gears.

July 7, 2011
Resolution 2011-167 authorize payment to Kelly Hart & Hallman for legal services of Andrew Weber
Approving an Engagement Letter with Kelly Hart & Hallman LLP for Legal Services Related to the Issuance of Bonds for Entertainment Venue Project
Council vote: Ayes: [Newly elected Mayor Beth] Van Duyne, [newly elected councilman Dennis] Webb, Patrick, Stopfer, Farris, Philipp, Cannaday, Santoscoy, Gallaway. Nays: None.   

August 4, 2011
Resolution 2011-192 authorize filing petition for review in the Texas Supreme Court
Regarding Continued Litigation in Ex Parte City of Irving, Texas
Council vote: Ayes: Webb, Patrick, Stopfer, Farris, Philipp, Cannaday, Santoscoy, Gallaway. Nays: Van Duyne.

October 27, 2011
Resolution 2011-295 authorize filing joint motion of dismissal of petition for review in the Texas Supreme Court
Withdrawing City’s Petition for Review to the Texas Supreme Court in Ex Parte City of Irving
Council vote: Ayes: Van Duyne, Webb, Patrick, Stopfer, Farris, Cannaday, Santoscoy, Gallaway.  Nays: None. Absent: Philipp.

November 29, 2011
Non-appealable judgment is rendered in validation suit.

December 8, 2011
Resolution 2011-347 determines Estimated Net Bond Proceeds to be $146,440,000 ($170,000,000 minus preconstruction costs)
Determining the estimated net bond proceeds of the city of Irving for the purpose of constructing the Entertainment Center Project
Council vote: Ayes: Webb, Patrick, Stopfer, Cannaday, Santoscoy, Gallaway. Nays: Van Duyne, Farris, Philipp.

1 comment:

  1. One thing is certain, it won't be the end of the world if Irving defaults on the bond payments and we lose our AAA rating if we ever need to take on more debt. This would surely cost Irving big time and we would have to pay much higher interest rates to the bond holders. Another thing is certain, and this makes me happy, Irving citizens won't be re-electing Rose, Roy, Dennis, Michael and Rick Stopfer again.
